Free Self Love Challenge

Sign up to receive the free 30 days to Greater Self Love Ebook.

Are you willing to make your own well-being one of your top priorities? Most of us treat ourselves quite poorly. We criticize ourselves and put everyone else’s needs above our own. We judge ourselves with unfair criteria, and then feel bad about failing to live up to it. Self Love has a ripple effect on our quality of life, including our sense of fulfillment and relationships with others.

Plus... Receive the supporting materials:

self love challenge worksheets

✅ The Self Love daily tracker: use it daily to track your progress!

✅ The Self Love worksheet: Answer these questions to gain a better perspective on how you can strengthen your Self Love.

✅ The Self Love checklist: a post challenge checklist to maintain positive momentum.

Let's do the first 7 days together!

Every day for the next 7 days, I will send you a reminder with the action step to take each day.

Creating a new habit can be challenging, let’s build positive momentum by doing the first 7 days together!

What is Self Love?

You can think of it as a desire to give our own well-being a level of importance and respect.

Self love is about treating yourself as well as you would treat anyone you love.

Most of us have been conditioned to believe that it is selfish to take care of oneself, and we should put ourselves last. We do this under the guise of caring about others or maybe, modesty. But this creates excessive stress and imbalance in our life… When you nurture your mind, body, and spirit, not only you feel better but your relationships improve too. When you are happy and well you can do much more! 

Build the Self Love habit.
You’ll be pleased you did!

Hi! I am Patrizia, the founder of Emotional Shift. My mission is to help you create a positive life by tapping into the power of your thoughts and emotions.
I am a Metaphysical Counsellor and a Registered Nurse. I have worked for the NHS for over 15 years supporting people throughout their healing journey, both physically and emotionally. I hope to do so for many more years to come.
I am a nature lover and always say yes to a nice cup of coffee.
Patrizia Jones
Metaphysical Counsellor & Founder of Emotional Shift

Start the 30 days Self Love Challenge today!